What about nursing bras?

Allow yourself to get guidance by a professional bra fitter who understands the needs of nursing mothers. There are many styles available, so it comes down to personal choice, but be careful with underwires because if they don’t fit correctly, the end of the wire can put pressure on a milk duct and cause blockage.  The same goes for bras that are too tight - breast size will change throughout the day and over time.  If you don’t live near retail stores that carry nursing bras (and even if you do), here are three suggestions for bra advice and selection via phone and web:

As for leaking, not all women do, or you may leak at the beginning only.  There are also many options available for bra pads.  One side benefit of using pads is hiding your “headlights”. Even if you don’t leak, you may use them for this purpose long after nursing days are over.

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