Mixed Emotions: And You Thought Breastmilk Substitutes Stopped At Formula

It's now April 5th, so I promise you, this is not another April Fools joke. If you're reading this, I'm making an educated guess that you prefer the option of breastfeeding to formula. (Just the facts - no judgment.)

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New Business Model For Breastfeeding, But Seriously...

Couldn't resist posting this: http://www.dailycandy.com/san-francisco/article/100111/Milkmaid-Breast-Milk-Frozen-Yogurt-Parlor, but seriously, early on in my breastfeeding journey, I was astounded to learn about the suite of antibodies (aka natural antibiotics) that breastmilk contains.

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"A Working Mom's Dream" - Signature Tunic and Skirt Set Reviewed By Fit Pregnancy Magazine!

Back in town and finally made it to the store today to purchase the latest issue of Fit Pregnancy magazine...which includes the Signature Tunic and Skirt Set under the category "Nursing Clothes That Don't Suck"!

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Swapping Stories With Mothers In China About Birthing And Breastfeeding

Greetings from Beijing. The stopover in Narita (the Tokyo airport) was indeed surreal in that it was completely uneventful, while everything we are seeing and reading about the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear reactor damage lies only a few hours away.

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Breastfeeding Mothers Who Cross Over from Work to Mommy Mode

Greetings from 35,000 feet above the Bering Sea. I’m enroute to Beijing via Tokyo, and the plane is noticeably empty.

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An Inconvenient But Natural Truth About Breastfeeding, Co-Sleeping and Sleep Issues

This article by Texas A&M Associate Professor of Anthropology and Nutrition (i.e. primate behaviors on infant and child feeding) Kathryn Dettwyler gave me great solace and validation in my now almost 4-year motherhood adventure, which includes a wonderful breastfeeding experience, co-sleeping...and major sleep challenges.

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Going Back To Work While Breastfeeding? Double The Clothing Crisis!

Part Deux of below: If you plan to combine breastfeeding with a job, double the need for breastfeeding and pump-friendly clothes.

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Attention Future Breastfeeders: Clothing Crisis Up Ahead!

A double welcome to the HadleyStilwell website, and to my very first blog post! These posts will aim to be informative yet not too heavy – carrying around a child whether still in utero or in a baby carrier is quite enough weight for a new mother.

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